WIN! PCR Ho! Ho! Holiday Giveaway!



That’s RIGHT! We’re absolutely euphoric with SEXCITEMENT (*sexy excitement*) for The Pop Culture Rainman’s™ Ho! Ho! Holiday Giveaway 2017!

Nope, were not giving away free Bitcoin…(but I’m going to write Bitcoin a couple more times because BITCOIN is totes trending right now and I’m so here for the SEO kickbacks )

…BUT we are giving away the COOLEST gifts from some of the HOTTEST pop culture brands in the multiverse!

Not sure why I’m saying “we,” ’cause really it’s just me, my cat daughter and my stepped on dreams over here?

So without further ado…let’s meet the PRIZES shall we?


Reading REAL **tactile** BOOKS is one of my life’s purest pleasures. With the help from my friends at Chapters Indigo, I picked out 6 stellar titles from 2017 that encompass all of my literary passions. From music journalism, break-out star essayists and poets, to a healthy dose of Cancon folded in—I think you’ll agree that my holiday book giveaway is pop culture GOLD!


Sticky Fingers by Joe Hagen [Knopf Canada]

As any musicphile knows, Rolling Stone Magazine captured the 1960’s youth culture of rock and roll and created a hothouse counterculture that dissected fame, pop culture and provocative politics. It is the ultimate music journalism tome, and writer Joe Hagen gleans exclusive access to editor in chief Jann Wenner and the cast of luminary artists and writers that made this magazine the zeitgeist juggernaut it remains to this day.

Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks [Knopf Canada]

Nope, it’s not a Tom Hanks memoir as one might expect, but rather a generous offering of fictional short stories by the two time Oscar winning actor. Hanks writes genuinely well, bringing both his well-mined sensitivity and honesty to this collection of 17 stories. Alternatingly whimsical, laugh-out-loud funny and deeply moving this book will delight his mammoth fan base!

We Are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby [Vintage]

I am all about the hilarious female essayist category, and supernova writer Samantha Irby is the latest gem of the genre, putting all of her human (oh so human!) foibles on NAKED display for our side splitting consumption. The blogger covers awkward sexual encounters, her failure to adult and ENDLESS funny-’cause-its-true vignettes about love in our digitally wallpapered modern-day dystopia.


101 Simple Truths For a Better Life by Humble The Poet [Indigo Press]

Heading into 2018 we could all use some pearls of wisdom through a fresh and unexpected lens, n’est pas? Former elementary teacher turned performance artist, rapper and YouTuber, Kanwer Singh aka Humble The Poet offers up just that with 101 Simple Truths. Singh was the winning panelist for Canada Reads 2017 and splits his neo-enlightened philosophies between Los Angeles and Toronto.

The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur [Simon & Shuster]

Toronto SUPERSTAR poet and illustrator Rupi Kaur inspired the millennial generation of writers to post their digital ink to the ordinarily photo-heavy Instagram. Her meteoric rise and moniker as Instagram’s favourite #Instapoet (9.1 followers and counting!) is no easy feat for our impatient swipe-up reflexes + blink-and-you-missed-it attention spans. The 25-year-old’s second book of poetry is a treasure trove sure to be a passed down through generations to come.

Bear Town by Fredrik Backman [Simon & Shuster]

The perfect book to get lost in for the holiday season by Swedish blogger-turned famed author Fredrik Backman. Beartown is set in a small Swedish hockey town on the brink of extinction and grappling with a sexual assault case that has the town divided. You will be hooked by the eerie opening paragraph and see shadows of yourself in every one of the richly dense characters.

2. NESPRESSO Giveaway

I am a latte aficionado and would happily mainline on an IV drip if I could, so I am thrilled to be offering up this limited edition CRAIG & KARL Aercinno3 frother from coffee doyens Nespresso.


‘Tis the season to get hopped up on delicious holiday inspired coffees, so I’m also throwing in 3 sleeves of limited edition Variation Confetto pods in Snowball, Orangette + Licorice flavours!


Used with your snazzy new frother you can make the following specialty coffee recipes with ease!

*Click on individual pictures to read the fine print.



This limited edition collectors bottle featuring black glitter and electric pink is a sophisticated and intoxicatingly sexy scent. I’m giving away 2 YSL 50ml Eau de Parfum bottles away to two lucky winners! Black Opium ‘Pure Illusion’ has top notes of pear, orange blossom and pink pepper. Middle notes of coffee, jasmine, almond and licorice and Base Notes of vanilla, patchouli, cedar and cashmere wood.

Also, it smells like BITCOIN, because you will feel like MILLIONS when you wear it, honey! Cha-CHING!


ALPHA INDUSTRIES bomber jackets with the signature red “Remove Before Flight” flag were seen on everyone from Beyoncé, Justin Beiber, Gigi Hadid , Kendall Jenner and The Weeknd, in what was undoubtedly the fashion staple of 2017.


I’m giving away one women’s MA-1 W Flight in any colour of your choosing, but if you ask me I’m partial to the burgundy and mauve variety. Either way expect to look hella fly in your oh so LIT bomber jacket.



Open to **Canadian** Residents Only

Must Be at least 18 years old to enter

You must be specific in which prize giveaway you are vying for; “I Want to Win The Nespresso Giveaway” or “I Want to Win the Alpha Industries Giveaway…” (*you can only choose 1 out of the 4) and you must use the hashtag #PCRHOHOHOLIDAY.

You must follow The Pop Culture Rainman on 1 of the following social media platforms:

Twitter: @popcultrainman

Instagram: @Reneepopculturerainman

PCR Facebook Page:

…or HERE on my good ol’ bloggitty blog, either by signing up to receive my posts by email or by following me through WordPress.  

If you are able to join ALL 4 of my platforms you can enter yourself in for a 2nd prize giveaway!

Add in my Pinterest page (((5 platform follows ))) and you are fast tracked to a guarantee win!  But, If that’s the case holy f*ck knuckles you seriously need to get a life ← and I say this with love ♥ ♥ ♥

Winners will be chosen randomly by lottobot and will be announced here and directly to your respective social media channels depending on how you enter, on December 13th by 8pm Eastern time.

Got it? GOOD LUCK! Either way you slice it you are a winner in my books kiddo. Plus you will be marinating in my spesh brand of trend spotting content and comedy from now until forevs. TALK ABOUT WINNING BIG!


Chapters Indigo Giveaway: Jill Barkhouse, Kentville NS

Nespresso Giveaway : Sandrine Ohayon Huynh, Montreal, QC

Black Orchid YSL Perfume Giveaway: Melanie Dragan Mississauga, ON + Karla Sceviour Botwood, Newfoundland.

Alpha Industries Giveaway: Natalie Van Appledoorn, Vancouver B.C.

Happy Holidays to you and yours! (Your pet children and your trampled on dreams…)

As you were lover heads,