Pop Culture Travel?

Friends & Lover Heads:

This may come to a screeching halt of a surprise to you all, but unlike EVERRRRRRRYBODY on Instagram, I am NOT in fact living my BEST LIFE as of late.

Or as of the last couple of years.

Or as of RIGHT NOW.

I KNOW shocking, right?

My personal Instagram is BRIMMING with peeps LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE i.e.; so much so that I feel like I’ve become a smaller and tinier Russian nesting doll with each passing year.

I’m that worried lil’ bitch that’s 3rd over from the left whose lost her eyelashes and all colour in her cheeks–and it only gets dead-in-the-eyes spiritual foreclosure from here on in.


So while I am super proud of the resilience that took me through the death tunnel that was 2018, that work has been consistent AND that most importantly I’m waiting to hear if a notable book agent will take me on as a client for my memoir–I’ve been living MY BASIC LIFE and that buck needs to STOP here and now.

Once upon a time ↑ I did quite a bit of travel journalism↑ and I’d like to get back to that, but with a branded pop culture twist. I want bucket-list travel experiences, time of your LIFE moments for people like me who are searching for radical change in their lives.

I want to inspire solo travel as a viable option for people over 40+ who are single, in a partnerships or married to feel JUSTIFIED in taking a trip JUST FOR THEM. To realise all of their unrealized travel DREAMS and manifest them into reality. 

My first destination ideas are Sweden + Norway (specifically Stockholm and Oslo for their incredible music scene) and a trip to New Orleans to eat ALL the food and take in ALL the culture.

Think my usual brew of pop culture + trendspotting with a dash of TRAVEL DESTINY folded in.

So I’m putting it out into the universe, making a few calls and taking names.

Hopefully the next time I blog I will have a new book agent and will have some travel writing news to share. In the meantime, please send me some delicious vibes and share some of your personal ideas for bucket list travel destinations.

Also please follow me on my social media platforms where I am quite active especially my Twitter @popcultrainman.

Wishing you all bucket list moments and radical change making if that is on your shopping list as of late.

Hope to see you all on the other side of CHANGE.



AKA ‘lil bitch–my gen z rapper name.61bh1VreQtL__SX425_



A Passage for EVERYONE…

I read this passage about a month ago, and beyond the goose bumps that appeared all over my arms, *every* part of this passage spoke to me–resonating deep within. Whoever you are, whatever stage you are at in your journey in this life…I believe this passage is a great road map to live life by. I truly hope you enjoy it as I have.

N.B. It is unclear who has written this so I am not attributing any author to it, and in some ways it seems fitting as it would fall in line with the true meaning of the text that this author would remain anonymous.

You will sometimes meet someone you believe is a soul mate; you feel the connection on many levels, perhaps instantly. And as you get to know each other more, you begin to feel the connection deepen and you feel that you must have an arrangement with this person that predated this lifetime.

Do not assume, however, that this soul connection necessarily means that you are meant to be happily together for this lifetime. It may be that you are meant to be friends and allies, helping each other out. It may be that you are going to help each other in ways that even involve conflict and separation, but with an end result that is beneficial to you. It may be that you are going to learn some lesson from each other and then go your separate ways.

What you need to do with all relationships, including those that have that instant and deep connection, is let be. You need to allow all of life, including close relationships, flow and evolve. You need to let people be who they are, not what you want them to be. And above all, you must not try to control, push and prod, manipulate and orchestrate relationships.

Have the courage and the heart, the centeredness, to follow your own path, to be who you are and love being who you are, no matter what. Shine out and show us who you are, so that people who are looking for someone exactly like you can find you. Do not allow setbacks or even major betrayals to dampen your shine and your being.

In life’s journey you will encounter much, narrow paths blocked by avalanches, forks in the road shrouded in fog, deep valleys of darkness and bright sunny days in meadows of golden poppies. It is all a part of life. And as you walk your path, other people will join you for a time: a dear friend, a lover, a spouse, children and parents. And then they may go away
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Entrances & Exits…

Here’s a poignant thought for the day. It’s what I’m experiencing now watching my mother in her last days in this life. Love is all that is REAL in this world and all the matters. If we get it ‘right’ it will definitely hurt like hell when its time to let go, but it also gives us a strength we never thought possible.

Love is all you need…xoxo