I’m back! Miss me?

Well HELLOOOO There my delicious lover heads! It’s been a minute hasn’t it?

I took some ‘personal days’ off from blogging—over 8 month’s worth if you want to get petty and do the math.

But why?

I’m glad you never asked.

First off can we just discuss the K HOLE DUMPSTER FIRE that was 2018 for a moment? 


…A cesspool of pain, growth, a break-up, MORE PAIN, poverty, tons of begging, grovelling, and ooh! squeezing the last ounce of patience out of my remaining friends.

Yup! 2018 was like that splintered climbing rope we had to straddle in high school gym class when David Milner told all the boys he saw my maxi pad…

Nothing good came out of it and it hurt like F-CK.

(FYI 80’s maxi pads were like wearing small mattresses, truly.)

Anyhow the good news here is that progress has been made and my long awaited essay/memoir—my messmoir (I loves me some portmanteau) book will finally come out in 2020. 

The title is:

Pop Life (based on my love for pop culture and an homage to my idol Prince)

Sex, Effexor & Hip-Hop based on the Ian Dury song “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” and that’s all I will reveal for now. There’s going to be so much more than just a book.

I’ve been working on this memoir for no joke, 20 years—efficiency is clearly not a strong suit.

Its evolved, its stagnated, its died many painful deaths, its been in remission, its been through maddening bursts of pure genius, followed by many instances of crippling self-doubt, rewrites, revisions and so on.

Also I have 2 full chapters and some change where I write about actor Ryan Reynolds and my absolute stalking appreciation of him.


Yup! I can finally and proudly announce that this BOOK is currently off life support and fully breathing on its own!

Just promise to buy it so that at the very least I can give my cat the kind of dental care that we all know she deserves?

Also I’m getting my full blog domain name Popculturerainman.com back expeditiously. 

Anyhoo, 2019 is going to be incredible I already have dreamy full-time top shelf name publicity and copywriting contracts that I’m also working on, the break up turned into a make-up, and I’m so thankful for all your support. TRULY. 


Longtime entertainment writer/journo and future published AUTHOR,


Renee Gold

