Holiday Giveaway Alert

Greetings FA LA LA LOVERS!

Just a brief prompt in-between the take down of every pervy-pants in Hollywood, the media, politics, (and every other segment of the workforceto tell you about my upcoming HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!

The contest will be announced HERE on Monday December 11th, 2017 and at the very least, it will help to alleviate some of the existential angst that is the dumpster fire of our BROKEN planet.

In the meantime, for all my American readers (truth be told, the crux of my fan base are mainly the Helsinki’s…) an early Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

…And in bona fide Pop Culture fashion, I give you the best ending from my all-time favorite film about Thanksgiving; Planes Trains, and Automobiles.

Also, If you aren’t hysterically snot crying by 5:46, I. NEVER. WANT. TO. KNOW. YOU.

…Stay Tuned!