Who could have predicted that Lip Synching would culminate into the mammoth trend that it currently is in 2015? Jimmy Fallon first started lip synch segments with his celebrity guests back 2014, and in 2015 Spike TV’s Lip Sync Battle, hosted by LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen premiered to huge ratings!


And we can’t forget the DubSmash App which has been downloaded well over 50 million times (*stat from June 2015) since its launch in 2014.


Even the most prosaic among us have a facility for the lip synch—and everyone has a different approach and flair to add to the art form. Oh, yes, ’tis an artful expression my friendsicles.

I tried my hand at it the other morning, to my latest song obsession “Leaves” by Miguel. I suppose it’s more of an interpretational sitting-dance inasmuch as its an ‘attempt’ at lip synching—it’s very difficult not to move when I hear music. I used my iPhone to record and then added some small details courtesy of my very spare laptop PC Movie Maker program. It runs a little long at 2:15—we know that millennial eye balls start to melt after even 15-30 seconds of viewing time, so future attempts will definitely be shorter. Here is my oeuvre, and incidentally my 1st online video of me doing anything as a matter of fact—YouTubers everywhere are all “wellllllllll LA DI Fricken DA” in a unison yawnathon.

Yes, I’ve been hesitant in joining the look-at-me circus in the round that is now become part and parcel to the bloggers bag of tricks, and realise I need to acquiesce and soon. Snacking on just my writes, is neither edifying nor inspiring to the digiterati at large any longer.

All this to say, I plan on having a variety of PCR LIP SYNC challenges going forward in November and December. As an added incentive I will be tacking on incredible prizes to be won, and in the interim be introducing my readers to some of the greatest music tracks to come out of 2015. Stay tuned for my first challenge update, but let me know if you are interested in PLAYING ALONG! The only rules so far are that you need to be at least 18 years of age, and I’m hoping to make the prizes available in Canada, the US AND Europe, as former giveaways only included Canada + US.

Feel free to use whatever digital ephemera you have at your disposal and stay tuned to this space or my other social media platforms for updates. *Add me to the social media platform that you use most regularly.

On Facebook our small but growing gang is at: https://www.facebook.com/popculturerainman/

On Instagram: https://instagram.com/reneepopculturerainman/

And on Twitter: @PopCultRainman

(Were also on Google + and Pinterest) but won’t they won’t be official #PCRLIPSYNC platforms. Also let’s face it, no one really understands Google + (even though I’m becoming a PRETTY BIG DEAL OVER THERE?!)

…Stay Tuned for #PCRLIPSYNC & Lip Synch like EVERYBODY’s Watching my lover heads!


Stephen Colbert Has Saved Late Night

The last days of David Letterman’s reign on CBS’s The Late Show were tugging at my heart-strings to say the least.

Letterman had been the last vestige in appointment viewing for me—after decades of staunch viewership. I couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to such a mainstay in my life, and could not fathom late night without him.

No one, not a one touched Letterman’s unique brand of genius. Not the Golden Retriever ‘yes-person’ styling’s of  Jimmy Fallon, not Kimmel, not even Conan’s brilliance (*and he has comic genius in spades). And don’t get me started on Leno’s paint-by-numbers, mind-numbing nightly phone in.

Stephen Colbert had enormous shoes to fill, and he stepped into that time slot + the iconic Ed Sullivan theatre, and absolutely made it his OWN.


He has reinvigorated late night with an incredible VARIETY of guests, the latticework of his myriad talents—song + dance chops, he’s an ordained minister?! and comedic timing that is HEAD and SHOULDERS above anyone currently breathing on this planet. My brain feels like its been folded into intricate origami shapes after I watch each show, and that is a VERY good thing! He has disrupted the oh so lazy paradigm and rigmarole of late night guests—*bland celebrities, one after the other plugging their movies (wash, rinse, repeat) and turned it on its head.

His guests are changemakers, tastemakers, mavericks of science, politicians, tech giants, authors, dancers—and the ‘celebrities’ that he does feature, are the Rhodes Scholar stars of their field!

Even his band has brought something fresh and new to the late night stage. Band leader Jean Baptiste and Stay Human have a distinctive New Orleans sound and vibe (Ragtime, Dixieland, Jazz, Soul +++) and his musical guest choices are also out-of-the-box novelties. Sometimes its an on stage hodgepodge collaboration, as was the inaugural episode featuring Mavis Staples, my absolute favorites Alabama Shakes, Beirut and Buddy Guy. Sometimes its Stephen Colbert joining in as in the aforementioned, and most recently in a duet with Tenacious D’s lead singer (and actor) Jack Black. Last night’s performance by Judith Hill just slayed on every level.


My only complaint, the one caveat here—is Jon Batiste’s jaunty usage of that Piano Kazoo?

Piano Kazou

No one plays the ‘Triangle’ in an ADULT band, and no-one plays a Piano Kazoo. I have no idea what is its really called but it’s not doing anyone any favors and needs to go. Its freaking me out.

To sum up, Stephen Colbert and his coterie of writers, producers, musicians, and even his set designers have saved late night, and in effect saved us all from ourselves. I know, HEAVY stuffs.

To bringing Intelligenza back, (*to me THAT is SEXY)


Kardashian Rant; the Kids are not Alright

I realise I am not splitting the ideation atom when I complain about the Kardashian army + my distaste for their absolute stronghold over the pop culture zeitgeist. ‘Cause zeitgeists don’t reign for YEARS? They’re not supposed to? They have their moment in the sun…so to speak. Why isn’t this ENDING?!!! Someone make this crazy train STAWWWWWWWP!?

*Spot the Difference?

Spot the Difference? You can’t do it can you?

I don’t know why it is, that when I see them coalesce on the cover of magazines, it feels like a personal slight against my soul? I don’t see their value? I don’t understand the obsession? Granted I’ve never watched more than a handful of episodes of their reality show, and I know they are a supportive bunch of siblings and there’s a cozy factor of value in that—but besides being life sized DeBratz dolls what’s the ALLURE? I’ve heard them all speak, there is nothing worthy there that could even be considered merit for this intense spotlight. NOTHING! The only one I find remotely interesting is Kendall Jenner A) because it seems she hasn’t rewired all her body parts and B) because she seems to keep a LOW profile, does her job, and isn’t HONGRAY, nay FROTHING at the bit for fame? I mean how HONGRAYYYYYY does Khloe appear in the above shot? She appears dangerously starved for attention. It feels so chaotic.  

What bothers me most, is that younger generations truly have only one FOOD group of which to pluck from in todays Pop Culture Pu Pu Platter? It’s heinously unbalanced in terms of mainstream media. Even what I considered to be edgier or counter culture media outlets have cowered to the pressure? Why is this family being forced upon my media diet and trying to ETCH themselves all up in my KITCHEN? It’s WAY offensive. 

Let me know your thoughts. We must band together and align in protest against this utter TRIPE. Also I think I’m going to start a drinking game based on how many times Kim refers to herself as a ‘business woman’. Were all in business one way or another KIM…no need to attach a gender to it?!

Don’t even get me started on Kanye’s last delusional interview. Yuck

Stop fanning the flames of MEDIOCRITY (no, not you…you have divine taste. THEM! It’s all THEM!)

Rant Over,


Book Review of The Martian + Twitter Interview with author Andy Weir

Photo Courtesy of Crown Publishing©

I recently joined the Chapters Indigo online book club and the selection for September was The New York Times #1 Best Seller The Martian by Andy Weir.

Weir, a former software programmer struck fortuitous gold, as The Martian was originally self published on his personal website, then added to Kindle after multiple reader requests, and eventually Weir was contacted by a literary agent who sold the rights to Crown Publishing— an inspiring unfolding of events to say the least!

Released in 2014, the book quickly rose atop the New York Times best seller list and the rights were immediately commissioned for the film adaptation, starring Matt Damon which premieres in Canada today. Again not exactlly a typical trajectory for a neophyte published author—so on that basis alone I say WELL DONE!

While I have an undeniable interest in space travel—specifically life on other planets, or alternately aliens who walk among us on earth (oh yes, they are heeerrrrrrrrrrrrrre!) Sci-Fi in general isn’t my bag. Suffice to say, hyperbole aside—I probably would not have picked up the book had it not been the chosen tome for Septembers official Chapters Indigo book club.

The Martian Opens in Canada Today. Photo: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox©

I feel as though the hype machine for the book—fueled by the film no doubt, is in the space (*pun intended) where most hype machinary Kardashians exists… on the receiving end of a popular vote, not necessarily a critical one. The twain don’t necessarily intersect my friendsicles.

The Martian was a quick and easy read, while I admit to radically skimming over the sections that went into super geekery diatribe mode—which happened often in various passages that reminded me exactlly of this:

What was readily apparent from the get go, was the fact that this book ‘READ like a film’ from beginning to end, kind of like a Campbell’s Chunky Soup ‘eats like a meal.’ (*How’s that for a rando metaphor!)

And while I did not see the film premiere at the Toronto Film Festival last month, I have a feeling that todays Canadian premiere may trump the book—a rariety for books that turn into films. What I did think was painfully lacking was any effort to turn lead protagonist Mark Watney into a three dimensional character? If anything the stories antagonist, the planet MARS had more details and descriptive color?!

There was a dearth of personal intel on Watney, with zero back story to think of. All we knew of about Mark Watney was that he had a set of living parents back home and that was it? His personality, while believable for an astronaught with strict mental strength and resolve, was kind of one note? Two at best, fluctuating from sarcasm to technical geekery. Not once did he reflect on life or loved ones while he was stuck on Mars? I can’t even recall if tears were shed even once? He was almost robotic in his determination at fixing problems as they arose—which is probably what saved him…but his general humane (depth) factor was something that was lacking.

I get that author Andy Weir is a Science Fiction nerd purist, and within that, may genuinely lack a touchy-feely profile that comes with many a scientific mind. But I normally scribble reactionary thoughts, or underline words & passages from every book I read, and I did not have any inclination to do so while reading The Martian.

A Cormac McCarthy, Weir is not. But alas, he does not profess to be, now does he?

I had a chance to briefly pick Weir’s brain this past week during a Twitter author chat, curated by Chapters Indigo, and here is how it all went down.

…and this

…he was asked by another Tweeter if he planned on making a sequel to The Martian. These were my thoughts exactlly as I thought the book had major sequel potential, if only to finally to develop the characters better on the mission back to earth. His answer had all the depth of a personal pan pizza, and that’s me being generous.



Again perhaps the 140 character format was ‘alien’ (*see what I just did there?) to Mr. Weir, and I’m not anti-capitalist, but I think he could have worded his answer better? A bit of artistry would’ve have sufficed? You know, like… “if I thought of an idea that could serve the story and organically push it forward…” I mean even the Twilight + The Hunger Games authors feign an interest in story?!?! Ew.

Finally, I was trying to pluck some substance from Weir, in asking this final this question which I had hoped would result in a multi-layered response…

Umm…Media Training aisle WEIR? Again, maybe his scientific mind doesn’t lend itself to normal social cues (its evident you made money, I was looking for an answer with a bit more… marrow?) I’ll assume such language is not in your StarTrek-speak wheel house? But I know better to judge someones interview skills based on a brief online twitter chat. I’m not a hater Mr. Weir…after all you are now a millionaire and I’m still eating Ramen noodles, so I’m giving credit where it is due.

It’s just that…I’m just not that into you…or your book. It was good, nothing more or less—despite the popular New York Times #1 vote. It was far from memorable in terms of what ranks in my rule book as the architecture of good writing.

A cool story, yes. I’ll give you that.

If anything your out-of-the-box sucess gives me hope that all writers with something compelling to share will eventually get their shot at a juggernaut publishing deal, AND a seperate HBO/Netflix/Showtime series titled RARE BIRDS about 4 women from cosmopolitan Montreal. It’s GIRLS meets Sex in the City meets Prozac Nation meets something that Spike Jonze and Cameron Crowe would co direct AND help produce the soundtrack…but hey…enough about me…lets talk about ME!


Books Matter,